Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Power of Forgiveness

We live in a crazy, high demanding lifestyle and overly connected world, during our day to day rat race that we call our lives, we may step on a few toes, anger a few associates, upset a friend and maybe do something that makes most men sleep in the dog house that evening.

How many of us have been down that road?

When was the last time you thought about forgiving someone? Forgiveness is an important part of life, not only in the business world, but in our personal lives as well. When you forgive a colleague, associate or loved one for their wrong doings against you, it will really set you free. Many times especially in business someone does something to make you upset; it could be an employee, a client, a friend, business partner or just the courier guy. Can you imagine back to how you felt when those feelings were happening. Was your blood boiling? Did you notice your temperature going up? Did you lose your lose focus on what you are doing? Were the feelings of anger taking over and was that the only thing you could concentrate on.

Usually overtime, cooler heads prevail and you can begin to focus of your role, your job or the things that really matter in your life. Have you heard the old saying, write the letter but dont mail it, or draft up the email and put it in your drafts if it feels right in 24 hours then you can send it. However, if it doesnt and the feelings of frustration having surpassed, you can simply delete the message from your drafts, no harm, and no foul.

When you offer up forgiveness to the party that wronged you, or the employee that made the error that lost the big deal, or the client that left you and didnt have all the facts together, you begin the healing process of letting go.   Another area we fail to realize is important when it comes to forgiveness is to forgive those that should have done something but failed to do it. I am sure it has happened to you in the past when you were expecting a friend or a loved one to come to your aid or rescue and in your time of need and they simply failed to show up. You need to forgive those people in your life. Go ahead dump all that emotional garbage and forgive those people that who simply failed to show up in your time of need. We hold onto that for way to long.

The other over looked area of forgiveness, you need to learn to forgive yourself. How much personal pain are we carrying around? How many times do we fail to forgive ourselves? Small Business owners and people in general are their worst critics, this thinking really limits your abilities and most importantly what you can achieve. You must learn to forgive yourself for your own shortcomings and get on with what matters the most.

Forgiveness is a very powerful force in the universe, not being able to extend your forgiveness to others for what they have done to you, what they have failed to do and most important forgiving yourself will limit your growth both as a person and as a professional. Let go of the baggage that you have been hauling around and weighs you down! Get that monkey off your back and lighten up, focus to your success and you will succeed.

Stuart Crawford is the Director of Business Development for IT Matters Inc., Calgary, Albertas award winning Microsoft Small Business Specialist. He can be reached at or via their website Stuart just released his second book for the Small Business IT industry entitled Do you have IT? Get it online today at

Foundation For Inner Peace

Energy Enhancement Meditation

Usually first step is to Open the Heart, and on this planet only perhaps 50% of the people have started to think a little about others instead only of themselves.

This means that the other 50% of the people perhaps are entirely selfish so now you can understand all your problems with relationships! Opening the Heart is the First Initiation on the path of Enlightenment and in it the Solar Plexus starts to empower the Heart with its energy. Blockages stopping the flo1C69w of Energy include Anger.

Anger is totally removed!

Then Master Relationships. This is the Second Initiation and entails the Second, Abdominal or Relationship chakra starting to power the Throat Chakra, the source of our creativity. And then open the pathway between the Base Chakra and all the Head Chakras. This is commonly called Enlightenment itself. The Crown Chakras purpose is to access the Soul or Higher Self through the Antahkarana or the Energy Connection from the Crown Chakra to the Higher chakras above the head, or The Highest Heart, Prajna Paramita. ENERGIZE!!

Once Relationships have easily been mastered then The Third Initiation, Enlightenment happens in the same Lifetime!

The problems of the World are now so intense that there needs to be a speeding up of evolution to create more evolved and Happy Beings. The problem is that most people are Not Happy!

The problems of the World come from a Lack of Evolution, a Lack of the Opening of the Heart, of Caring, of Sympathy, of wanting to help, Of wanting to reduce the amount of Pain in Humanity. If you have no Heart which is the Case of more than half of Humanity, then Selfishness, Anarchy, War, Revenge, Jealousy, Envy, Torture and Psychopaths will rule! And this has been the case for all the History of this Earth! This speeding up of evolution can only come with a Heart to provide by Right of Being Born, of All Basic Needs to every member of Humanity.

As a Good Family gives its Sons and Daughters Everything for their Evolution. These Basic Needs Are Food, Housing, Money, Education And Meditation Teaching, also Security, And Human Rights.

Meditation will Speed Up all other techniques, Hatha Yoga, working on the health of the body, Pranayama, working on increasing energy and happiness, Dance or Martial arts, for instinctive grace and movement. In Energy Enhancement we start with meditation and move on into The Kundalini Kriyas of the Hindu and Taoist Masters. Then Samyama, working on removing all the problems of: Energy Blockages, Cleaning the Psychic Body, Cleaning the Inner Traumas and Memories, Creating Incredible Relationships.

We need to work first on Meditation and the Grounding of Negative Energies. As Gurdjieff said, "First Mastic. Then Mystic." Which is the ability to digest all negative energies.

Extra energy comes from outside, from the teachers usually, "Hanbledzoin," as Gurdjieff said, is the Energy, The Bled, or Blood of the Masters, and is necessary for the integrative process. This is the Buddhafield. This is the origin of Shaktipat. This is the origin of all access to the symptoms of Kundalini Energy.

These specialized energies are available to complete the psychic bodies, to fill them up, to complete them. These energies can only come through properly Authorised Teachers. An Advanced Synthesis of Successful Meditation Techniques is a new Higher Frequency of Energy sent by Ascended Masters and Highly Evolved Devas or Angels to speed up the evolution of this planet.

All Advanced teachers can be judged by all students to have Advanced Meditational Experience after years of Training. It is the first test of the Student to choose the Right Teachers.

Some teachers teach that it is necessary to take energy from other students. They never mention the Opening of the Heart through the Removal of Energy Blockages like Anger and Depression. They Never mention the Purification of the Antahkarana and Connection with the Soul. Energy Vampires only want to steal energy from others and increase Trauma and Pain blockages to do this.

Instead of taking over Twenty years of Meditation, Advanced Techniques allow the process to be speeded up with the Advanced Techniques from a Synthesis of Successful Meditation Techniques taught to all advanced practitioners of Meditation for over 5000 years.

Good Teachers of Meditation must transmit Energies to help the Evolution of their Students. This Uppadesa is sometimes called Shaktipat and can come by word, glance or in Silence.

Good Teachers will always teach Advanced Techniques to Remove Aches and Pains, Negative Emotions and Trauma, Open the Heart, Connect to the Energies of the Higher Self and thus Access Higher Levels of Energy.

As the Ancient Text of the Siva Samhit, iii, 10-19: says, "Now I shall tell you how easily to attain success in Yoga, by knowing which the Yogis never fail in the practice of Yoga. Only the knowledge imparted by a Competent Teacher through his lips is powerful and useful; otherwise it becomes fruitless, weak and very painful.

Why spend time on techniques which give no results?

As Gautama Buddha Said, "Meditation is for those who believe in the reality of Enlightenment, and understand the Urgency of the Situation." So, do not hang around. If you believe in Enlightenment, then you need to find the best and most Speedy Way!

Speed Up The Process of Enlightenment with Advanced and Effective Meditation Techniques, a Syntheses of Ancient and successful techniques over 5000 years old. The roots come from many ancient disciplines available in most Ancient Cultures all over the World, and include -

Alchemical V.I.T.R.I.O.L, the first Formula of Alchemy, in reality a guided meditation to give you Incredible Energy!!

Yoga to make you Flexible, Strong and increase the years of your long and happy life.

Meditation to Access Peace and Clarity within.

Kundalini Kriyas

Taoist Meditation Techniques including the Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Orbits.

Kundalini Tantra and Energy Circulations of Kriya Yoga

Creating the Antahkarana so you can access the Incredibly Intense Energies of the Soul.

Soul Infusion and Connecting to the External Energies of the Highest Heart.

The Grounding and Purification of Negative Energies

Psychic Purification of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual Bodies.

The removal of Energy Blockages and implants to Remove all Aches and Pains

The creation of the Light Body so you can have more Radiance.

The use of the Ancient Egyptian Technology of the Merkaba.

Golden Pyramid Psychic Protection to Stop Energy Vampires.

Satchidanand, Director of Energy Enhancement, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation!

He helps people worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible, FASTER!!


Friday, June 27, 2008

The Motivation Myth

"It is the ultimate management conceit that we can motivate people." Peter Scholtes, team effectiveness consultant and author

After six years at Universal Pictures, Harry Cohn formed Columbia Pictures in 1924. During the following decades he ran the company with an iron fist. His image as a tyrant was reinforced by the riding whip he kept near his desk to crack for emphasis. Cohn form of "motivation" led to the greatest creative turnover of any major studio. At his funeral in 1958, one observer suggested that the thirteen hundred attendees "had not come to bid farewell, but to make sure he was actually dead."

Some parents want their kids to be independent as long as they do everything they're told to. Some team leaders want their teams to be empowered as long as they follow directions. What some "leaders", call "motivation" is getting others to carry out their orders. Some seem to live by the philosophy that if I want any of your bright ideas I'll give them to you. Just do what you're told...and look like you're enjoying it. These forms of "motivation" are based on fear and force. If the punishment is strong enough and the policing rigid enough, they will lead to compliance. People will follow the rules and marching orders. But that's all. Energy, creativity, and extra effort will be minimal. So will ownership and commitment. The only passion tyrants and autocrats create are fear, loathing, and the desire for revenge.

The key problems of the Motivation Myth are clearly illustrated by a Farcus cartoon; a team leader is at the head of a conference table addressing her team with these words, "we need to improve morale, any of you boneheads have a good idea." The main cause of the problem seems pretty obvious. She just needs to look in the mirror. But obviously the obvious isn't always so obvious. Root causes and symptoms are continuously confused. The Farcus team leader is treating low morale as a problem to be solved rather than an indicator of much deeper issues. Clearly a key source of a deeper problem is her contempt for her team and her forcefulness. Her approach is like an auto mechanic reporting, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."

Many of the symptoms and root causes of motivation and morale can be clarified by understanding the doing versus being aspects of mobilizing and energizing. We need to get beyond "do to" programs and techniques. The big sticks of fear, punishments, and discipline or the carrots of incentives and rewards may work in the short term. But to keep them working, we need to continually increase the beatings or sweeten and vary the incentives. Eventually the beatings will burn people out and they will quit. Some will leave and find other jobs. Many will silently resign and continue to report for work everyday.

People should be fairly rewarded for their contributions. The absence of money can be demotivating, but its presence doesn't provide healthy, long-term motivation. Using money or types of incentives to get increased performance turns people into selfish, self-centered mercenaries who are increasingly tuned into WIFM (what's-in-it-for-me). Pride, teamwork, concern for customers, shared values, growing and developing, passion, meaningful work, and the like fade. These become hollow words that raise "the snicker factor" whenever they are heard.

Effective mobilizing and energizing goes well beyond "doing" programs to the "being" or culture of a team, organization, or any group including a family. That culture is a set of shared attitudes and accumulated habits around "the way we do things here." The culture provides the context or backdrop that either energizes or exhausts people.

Excerpted from Jim's fourth bestseller, Growing the Distance: Timeless Principles for Personal, Career, and Family Success. View the book's unique format and content, Introduction and Chapter One, and feedback showing why nearly 100,000 copies are now in print at Jim's new companion book to Growing the Distance is The Leader's Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success. Jim Clemmer is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat leader, and management team developer on leadership, change, customer focus, culture, teams, and personal growth. His web site is


You Can Be Self Motivated

You have probably heard that sharing a burden lightens the burden in half. What 548is equally as true is that telling other people your hopes and dreams waters down the power you gained in focusing on your goals. The response you will usually get from others is a lack of belief in your vision even when the other person is only looking out for your best interests. It's a rare event when someone else can see the vision you have for your life. Others are more likely to start picking your dreams apart and pointing out all the things that are wrong with them.

You are feeling motivated, feeling great about your life and the direction things are going. Along comes your sister or your best friend who take aim and just shoot you down. You get told to do a reality check. That certainly lets the air of you and there go all of those good feelings you were having about your future. Well, here is a reality check. You are the only one who can keep your motivation going.

Keep the urge to share your dreams to yourself until you have control over your emotions. Once you have focus on your dreams, negative comments will not dilute the power of your dreams. Until you can do this, mediate on your goals privately. The main reason to share with someone else is because you are having doubts about how capable you are of following your goals. You are seeking positive feedback. Unfortunately, the reinforcement you5A1 want is rarely offered.

There's nothing wrong with sharing your dreams and seeking positive feedback, except that you're looking for it in the wrong places and will probably wind up getting just the opposite. Not always, but why take that chance until you feel stronger about your dreams and goals? This need for feedback relates directly to your degree of belief in yourself. When you genuinely trust in yourself and are fully motivated to succeed, you will find that you do not need reinforcement because you have already supplied that for yourself!

Rather than looking for outside reinforcement or validation, concentrate on ways that YOU can step up your motivation. Keep building yourself up with your own version of pep talk and keep your ultimate destination in the forefront of your mind. Take steps you know will get you where you want to go. If you must seek advice and encouragement along they way, look for it only from those who have achieved what you're attempting to accomplish. There are almost always others who have paved the way for you. You will build up your inner strength eventually to the point where it will not count what others say and do. That will be the day when no one will be able to deflate your motivation again. Remember to be self-motivated and take those action steps needed to reach your goals.

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more, visit today. Free reports and eBooks are added on a regular basis.

God In Buddhism

You Won't Get It, Until You Know What It Is

The biggest frustration amongst people seems to be not having what they want in life.

Yet they have exactly what they wished for.

Your mind is like a powerful computer. Much more powerful than anything man made that exists today. The purpose of your mind is to provide the outcome that is programmed into it, by you. It will always give you the programmed result - that is a law of nature.

And this is where the trouble starts.

Most of us have no idea how to effectively program this computer, and those that do, program it with ineffective programs more often than not.

Do you realize that the only difference between your success and that of say a Donald Trump or a Bill Gates, is the way that they think.

Whether they did it consciously or not, their thought patterns follow a set of guidelines that led them to the success that they enjoy. These patterns are burnt into their minds, and they will not alter them for anything. It is who they are. Like them or not, they are effective in their chosen fields.

So what does this have to do with you, and more importantly, can you use this knowledge for your own good.

Well the short answer is Yes.

You can use this knowledge, and are actually doing so every single day.

Your life is exactly as your mind thinks and reacts to circumstances on a continuous basis right now. So the good news is that you are already doing it, you cannot help yourself, it is human nature.

The bad news is that the thought patterns you have running in your mind, are not giving you the results you consciously want. They are giving you the results that you have programmed into your mind, mostly subconsciously.

This is why goal setting can be so important. With a clear goal in mind, your thought processes will at least be aligned in some direction most of the time. This can and does make a huge difference to your results.

Lets use the computer program analogy once more.

A computer will process information based on a specific set of rules and criteria. That is basically what a computer software program does. If you have a program that says if A happens, always do B, you get a predetermined predictable result. You know that a certain input will give you a specific output.

With our minds, not having a goal is like saying, if A happens, do B , or C or D or whatever strikes your fancy. The result is confusion and wasted energy. Spinning around without going anywhere.

Now life presents us with A today, B tomorrow, an C,D,A the next day. If you however have a set of actions ready for whenever A happens (by having a set goal) you automatically move toward your desired outcome every time A occurs. You might not have moved far, but you did move a small amount toward your goal, every time A happens.

At least you are moving in a certain direction, that you have predetermined, by simply deciding what you actually want, and then setting a goal to get there.

Goal setting is a huge topic, and not quite as simple as described. It is however very worthwhile, and just may make the difference between contentment and a life of frustration.

So find out what you want and why, then work towards that goal.

Kevin is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

Other Book Recommendations

Self Development And Growth

When starting out the the area of self development and growth, one of the most important anAA8d basic skills to learn is the skill to deal with issues in your life.

Many sources often overlook the process of how to change. The process is long and hard, and often you will lose motivation and forget your goals for self improvement. While you may yearn for instant gratification and instant change, the reality is that it just wont happen overnight. Habits take a long time to form and break; deeper psychological issues that a long time to resolve.

Often when people deal with their issues, they're dealing with it in a LOGICAL manner. This doesn't motivate you because motivation is EMOTIONAL. When you feel emotionally affected towards the issue, you will have the drive to resolve the emotions. This is the basis for my model of dealing with issues.

Without further ado, here it is: Dealing with issues, the 4 steps.

1. Figure out what the issue is.

This first point is ridiculously obvious, but incredibly important and oftentimes looked over. In many instances, we believe that we're dealing with one problem when in reality we're actually facing problems with a deeper inner issue.

For example, in the world of dating and relationships, the actual act of meeting members of the opposite sex can be quite daunting. The possibility of rejection, the fear that they will dislike you is present. No one likes to think that they are incompetent with the opposite sex, and this is the issue that may arise and challenge them if they approach and get rejected. So they sit at the back of the bar with their friends talking about how they're 'pimps' and 'could pick up anyone in this bar' but 'they don't want to' because 'no one here is worth it'.

What is happening here is an avoidance of the real issue: they depend on other's approval and reactions to feel good about themselves. An issue of low self esteem and low self confidence.

This issue would not be realised without some serious hard thinking and the ability to see things for what they really are. Your mind and ego will throw up a million different cognitions to throw you off the real issue because the truth hurts your sense of self.

This first point is ridiculously simple yet hard to realize.

2. Experience the issue.

This is different. I swear by this technique 100%.

When you figure out what the issue is, it's going to try and hide. It's going to throw up excuses as to why you have those cognitions. You're going to want to avoid the issue. Yeah that's right, you know what I'm talking about. This is the nerd realising that they suck with women but rationalising it as due to their studies or the fact that they "don't have time", then using that as a constanB07t excuse not to GO OUT and MEET women. Or the woman who has emotional issues that affect her relationships but blames her relationship problems on her looks.

By experience the issue I mean to feel it fully. You KNOW it's there, you aren't going to avoid it. You just broke up with your partner? It feels crap. Don't avoid having the feelings. You're scared of chatting up that cutie? Don't avoid the issue. Immerse yourself in the experience of feeling like that.

Only then do you have a solid base for your motivation to get the problem fixed.

3. Act on resolving the issue

After experiencing the feelings that you don't want to feel, make a decision to ACT upon the issues. After all, just pointlessly making yourself feel bad is... pointless. So what did you do? Make a commitment to take steps forward in solve the issue. If you're afraid that people will 'reject' you then approach people until you emotionally realise that 'rejection' by a stranger means nothing more than the fact that you approached them in the wrong way. If you're avoiding exercise because of an underlying issue of laziness, get out there and exercise! Do you actually WANT to be unhealthy? How does being unhealthy feel?

Experiencing the issue should give you the MOTIVATION to ACT on the issue. If you don't act, you'll just stay the same. Do you really want to feel the way you felt when you were experiencing the issue? I doubt it.

4. Figure out your other issues

In self improvement, it is critical to remember that your problems will NEVER end and you will ALWAYS have issues to deal with. Reality is harsh.

If you're serious about improving yourself, keeping this in mind will help you a lot. You will always have something to fix. Take a break once in a while, moderate how much you work on yourself, but never forget that you always have something to improve. Read "The way of the superior man" by David Deida. It gives a good description of this point.

I'd dare say your not as good with women as you wish you were, your looking for something that can take you above and beyond 99% of men for free, it's here, you just have to reach out and grab it.

Have fun,

-- Solace


What Does It Take to Be Great

It takes the wisdom to know that you are here for Higher reasons that your logical mind my not remember or even fathom.

It takes the courage to speak your truth, and it takes patience with others when they are not coming from a place of love and support.

Being great is not a matter of ego. Quite to the contrary, being great takes vision to fulfill your beingness with the brilliance and vision you hold within.

It takes harmony, and supporting others to recognize the greatness they hold within. It is a reemergence of the spirit of cooperation, and aligning with others to make many dreams come true.

It stems from a non-threatening or threatened paradigm, where a win/win for all is the only way to play.

It shatters the egos need to own, and embraces the souls re-emergence to share with all others.

Being great boasts no ego. It is achieved in the spirit of sharing, of serving, and of illuminating the hope within others when they have lost all hope of their own.

Being great needs no recognition as the rewards of a life lived in this process far outweigh the egos need for stature. The soul knows its stature, and its possibilities are limitless, boundless and eternal.

Being great is not an outcome. It is lived each moment. It is filled with a child-like wonder that helps others to remember the child-like wonder they once had.

As you read these words, remember that your greatness lies within your heart, and in your Divine connection to the guidance you receive that gently nudges you to honor who you are. Not by doing more, but by BEING more.

What greatness do you hold within that you 5B4would like to bring out? THAT is the greatness you are, and no one else can be you. Remember that!

Copyright by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

Barbara Rose, PhD. most widely known as "Born To Inspire" is the best selling author of "Know Yourself", "If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!", "Stop Being the String Along", "If God Was Like Man" and Individual Power. She is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation, relationships and spiritual awakening. Barbara is a pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication, the study and integration of humanitys God-Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. Her highly acclaimed books, public speaking events, tele-seminars, widely published articles, and intensives have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. She is the founder of IHSC -Institute of Higher Self Communication, inspire! Magazine and Rose Humanitarian Alliance. Barbara holds a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and works in cooperation with some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. Visit her website

Game Of Life and How To Play

Who Is In Your Circle of Influence

We have heard that old saying, You are judged by the company you keep. And that saying is important in our business life and our personal life. It is a fact that we allow ourselves to be influenced by ou5B4r peers. And for that reason, parents will pay attention to who their kids have as friends; employers will do background checks on job candidates; private schools will do in-depth parental interviews prior to admission of their child; private clubs will often restrict membership to individuals nominated by current members; and why police will ask who is in a victim's circle of influence when they investigate a crime.

The major point of all the above is this: who you associate with will say as much about you, your ethics, your integrity, your honesty, your core values, your beliefs, your passion and your future intentions as your actual personal behavior does. And as a business owner or business leader, you are being observed every minute of every day. Colleagues, clients, vendors, suppliers, et al are all scrutinizing, watching, listening to those people you influence. Therefore, this is a serious matter for consideration when you decide who will be in your circle of influence.

We know that it is difficult and sometimes very painful to break off and end relationships. This is especially true when those relationships are long-standing ones with friends, colleagues, employees, and others who have greatly influenced our life. And we need to remember that effective leaders, winners and high achievers gain their positions of stature by a very deliberate and well thought out process of selecting who they associate with in t364heir business and personal lives.

Another part of the harsh reality you must face, as you advance up through the ranks of success and leadership is that many of your former friends and colleagues may not be making the upward journey with you. Some of them will fall and fade away for a variety of reasons. A major risk to advancement and growth is sticking with the masses that get stuck in a time warp and stop growing and maturing. By hanging around with these people you will be infected and may actually stall or destroy your own growth. So you must decide that you will either maintain stagnant and no growth relationships or you will move on to more challenging and fulfilling relationships. In fact you must make this choice since you cannot have it both ways.

Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach challenges you to stop and look around you. 5B4 Who do you see? Who is there? Who is in your circle of influence? Are they losers, whiners, blamers, lawbreakers, cheaters, low achievers, liars, etc? Or are they winners, trusted friends or colleagues, high achievers, honest & law-abiding people, etc.? Now is a great time to review your circle of influence and ask yourself if the people you see there are: helping or hindering you and your efforts; are building up or demolishing the image you desire; positively or negatively impacting the achievement of your business and personal visions; and providing positive support or bringing a negative attitude to you.

Furthermore, Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach reminds you that it is your life and it is your right to choose who will be in your circle of influence. Ask yourself if you are making wise choices about your circle of influence. And be brutally honest with yourself when you answer that question. Your choices and your answers are critical to your future. Know that the people that you have in your circle of influence will speak more loudly about you than any words you can say.

Glenn Ebersole, Jr. is a multi-faceted professional, who is recognized as a visionary, guide and facilitator in the fields of business coaching, marketing, public relations, management, strategic planning and engineering. Glenn 5A6is the Founder and Chief Executive of two Lancaster, PA based consulting practices: The Renaissance Group, a creative marketing, public relations, strategic planning and business development consulting firm and J. G. Ebersole Associates, an independent professional engineering, marketing, and management consulting firm. He is a Certified Facilitator and serves as a business coach and a strategic planning facilitator and consultant to a diverse list of clients. Glenn is also the author of a monthly newsletter, "Glenn's Guiding Lines - Thoughts From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach" and has published more than 275 articles on business.

To find out more about the benefits & rewards of effectively working with a strategic thinking business coach, please contact Glenn Ebersole through his web site at or

Martin Luther King

Easy Guide to List Building

When you own an online business, you know how important it is to be having an always-maintained build list of e-mail addresses on your server. You know as a businessman that you need these addresses to potentially market your products to them at any given time. But what if these e-mail addresses on your built list begin to wane and diminish? What actions are you going to take to make sure that your perpetual source for prospective clients remains intact and working? Well, just like any otherwise moves to take, all you have to do is to re-build the list by capturing newer and fresher addresses through your marketing strategies. To build a responsive and actively participating list, here is what you can do:

Create an E-book. E-books are a good source of e-mail addresses because people would like to just read books. What is good about writing e-book is that it does not require too much time to create one since all you have to do is put a manual books content into your e-book. If there is one thing that you should work on getting an e-book, is to ensure that the quality of the e-book does not suffer.

Write article materials. Articles do not go obsolete as a source of feedback and traffic. Day to day, there are new topics that need to be discussed and talked about. When an article material is well written primarily based on facts, people just love to react on it.

Join forum channels. People who are on forum channel utilize this area to get some answers to some of their questions or inquiries. It is best then that you join this channel and participate and direct them to your landing page for further inquiries to capture their information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Foundation For Inner Peace

Journaling To Track Your Successes

Often times people will start out on projects or set goals and after sometime lose the sight of the end result. They get distracted or they just do not know where they actually started nor how far they have come. For this reason they have little idea of how far they have to go to reach the end result. Using a journal to track your successes in any project or goal can assist you in reaching your desired result. Even the experts in the fields of motivation and inspirational personal growth suggest using the writing down of your successes as a tool to keep you on track.

To write down your successes or accomplishmentsACD helps you to first of all recognize that you have successes. Sometimes when you go through your day, you do not realize that simple little things are in fact a success. This makes you more aware of the things that you do or say that take you one step closer to your desired result.

Writing down your successes creates milestones that you can look back on and see how far you really have come in your journey to your future. There are times when discouragement will get the best of us. However, with a road and markers to look back on it is easier to continue forward and with more enthusiasm than you would have had if you had not taken the time to write down the successes you had in your everyday life.

To write down your successes regularly also encourages habits of success. Once these habits are in place then you become more motivated to do more and be more in the realm of your day. In many cases people who take the time to write down their successes reach their end result and reach them quicker. This allows them to start new projects, have more goals, and dream much bigger than they thought they could.

Once you realized the value and the importance of writing down accomplishments a person can then celebrate their successes. Treat your self to something special when you complete the desire goals you have set. Cheer and applaud! It is amazing how great we feel when we get that kind of recognition for finishing what we start.

Where you have come from determines where you will go

Check out this valuable tool that can assist you in tracking your successes at

For more resources and to learn more about being the best you that you can be visit

From Internet Entrepreneur and Writer Bonnie Holscher


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Home Based Business Training and Coaching Using Automated Systems

Home based business and people seeking to do internet business is on the rise in the UK. Although a few have been around from the beginning the UK market has seen a growth in people looking into home based business that they can do on the internet. Around about 95% are set to fail and the large majority of them will turn away from internet business within the first four weeks.

Most training and coaching is from the USA or from very guarded UK internet marketers. The usual practice of internet m5B4arketing is never tell too much about internet marketing and home based business. Traditionally the method is to drip feed snippets of information a little at a time and let the people who have signed up to their list figure most of it out themselves. Incidentally, this enables internet marketers and affiliates to avoid dealing with real people as much as possible.

Change is in the air and many internet marketers are now charging monthly e-learning fees for training products. However, the product is still the same and is drip fed even more slowly, the customer stays signed up for several months hoping to find out more about how to make money from a home based business. Over time a small percentage who do not give up make money and stick around long enough to make a good income.

The internet marketing and affiliate community traditionally dealt with training their list this way for good reason. People remove themselves from lists quickly when they think they have learned what they need. As the money is in the list this just won't do. If you are a self starter internet marketing can be profitable. However, most people know little about the internet when they start looking into home based business and have a tendency to get lost in the jungle of internet marketing.

To address this an educational and teaching programme has been developed for home based business. The training and coaching has been designed to help sm5AAall and home based business owners learn how to set up, automate and run home based based business and small business using the internet.

Initial training is via a self paced DVD kit explaining internet business, a suitable system and various marketing approaches. Personal coaching is available from a team of professionals who can give advice even if you are starting with nothing. The personal coaching programme can be taken as an upgrade and will be tailored to the business. How would you like to find out what is right for you, get it all set up and learn to run your business so that you can enjoy your income and free time.

There are no membership fees and all packages are explained without extras and hidden charges. Advanced coaching and mentoring can also be given on application to the CIB team.

Unlike most internet marketing programmes, all of the training and coaching products can only be supported by the CIB team and cannot be sold off as a business in itself. But there may be future opportunities for selected affiliates to gain authorisation to promote the programme as a joint venture or for selected business entrepreneurs to join the CIB team in coaching and mentoring of start up and home based businesses.

As US and UK practices are not identical, the programme has been created for the United Kingdom only.

If you would like to know more about the quality training and coaching programme please go to or email

Foundation For Inner Peace

Building Your Coaching Business - Freebies DO Work--IF Done Right

Freebie's DO Work...IF Done Right

I keep hearing coaches saying that giving your coaching away doesn't work, when in fact that is the ONE greatest thing you can do.

Why do coaches say it doesn't work?

Well, most have been doing it wrong, and to the wrong target market.

It's easy to get people coming by the hundreds to get free stuff. The problem is: are they the RIGHT market.

As a business coach, and coach who coaches coaches, I've found that when I'm targeting THE WORLD, most of the people who respond to my freebie are people who can't afford my services, or at least PERCEIVE they can't. Most are there to absorb what they can for free...and guess what?....that's OK by long as I've got my system set up so that it isn't wasting my time.

But that is why most coaches say it doesn't work. They are wasting time, LOTS of it, giving away their services for the wrong market. And, when done that doesn't work.

So, what does make it work?

Here's What Makes It Work

Let's back up a minute, and look at how people buy, develop a strategy that does work when you approach them THE WAY THEY BUY, and then narrow in on the RIGHT market...and you'll find that "giving away your services" the right way to the right people is THE KEY to successfully marketing your coaching.

I'm always astonished when people say it doesn't work, but it is THE THING that is working the best for me and for coaches I work with....when done right. All of those saying, "It doesn't work," just don't have a clue, or, at best, it was one of the things that just didn't work for them. Good luck to them. Hopefully they do have things that do work for them.

People Buy ONLY From People They Know, Like and Trust

People buy from people they know, like and trust. Therefore, the best way to get them to know you, to like you, and to eventually trust that what you say does work, is to give them a sample, give them a taste. Trying to go straight for the sale is a recipe for failure...until you've laid the groundwork.

Build a Marketing Funnel

Build yourself a marketing funnel. It looks like this. Imagine a funnel. At the top, where it opens up to the world is where you reach out into the world. It is the largest part of the funnel, and OPEN to the world. Your job is to reach out into your NICHE market, not into the whole world, and offer those that are passing by an opportunity to take a sample. If you are reaching out to them talking about their pain, in measurable ways, you will get their attention and they will want to take that sample. In fact, if you build a powerful, compelling, core marketing message they will be coming to you instead of you having to reach out to them.

In any case, as they take that sample, you have just stuffed them into the top of that marketing funnel. Those people are now qualified, interested prospects. (Warning, if you've reached out to the WRONG market, they may perceive they can't afford you, and may even be extremely hard to convince otherwise. Just think about that the next time you are face to face with someone who says he can't afford you. I know....I know...there are sales trainers out there that will tell you that you can overcome an objection....and, to a certain extent that is right. However, let's change your view a bit here. If you are reaching out to the RIGHT market, they are less likely to even have that objection, and then when you give them the RIGHT message they will move forward. By choosing the RIGHT market you will find that more and more will respond...and that is the key...keep measuring your response rates, and improving. By changing your marketing message, and aligning it with the RIGHT market you will see your response rate go through the roof.)

Back to our marketing funnel. I'd like for you to draw out a funnel on a piece of paper. Then draw horizontal lines, dividing the funnel into 3-4 separate areas, each further down the funnel.

What this represents is that at the top is your "first touch". Your job is to build interest, build rapport, get them to like you and trust you step by step. Each step down the funnel you will have fewer people as they fall out of the side of the funnel, but those that stay in the funnel, moving down to the next level are MORE interested, and like you and trust you even more than those further up the funnel. Get the idea.

This is all built around building on the getting to know you, like you, and trust that you have something that really works for them. Another thing I want you to pay attention to is "how many people actually move from layer to layer." In other words, if you lose everyone in one just did something wrong. You didn't build them further and you lost connection with them. That should tell you something...whatever it was you did there was WRONG.

Also, pay attention to what IS working. In other words, you are likely to see that some layers have a really good conversion, moving people on down, while others don't. You just learned what is on that.

Each layer should follow the marketing philosophy, AIDA,

  • Attention - Get their attention first, otherwise they won't even read the rest. Use your powerful CORE Marketing message to get their attention.
  • Interest-Build their interest in what you have to say. Keep building around your core marketing message.
  • Desire-Turn that interest into a desire, a real compelling, gut wrenching NEED to talk with you, or get more information from you. In this case, a real desire to at least take the next step down your funnel. Don't go too fast. Trying to sell too early will lose them. They will drop right out of the funnel.
  • Act - Call to action. If you don't ask them to do what you want them to do....they won't. So always ask them to do what you want, and, again, make it compelling. In this case, the only thing you are asking them to do is to take the next step in your funnel, not to BUY.

Marketing Funnel Structure

The marketing funnel is typically structured

  • Step 1-- Giveaways at the top - articles, maybe a speech to an organization. The goal is to build interest and desire to take step 2.
  • Step 2 down into funnel - typically requires more commitment. While in step one get them to sign up, give their contact information to get emails, a newsletter, or come to a free seminar or teleconference.
  • Step 3 - Even more commitment, usually it starts to cost a little. Examples could be a low cost e-book, or low cost teleseminar. At the end of it you will make a special offer only to this group, the next step into the funnel with a discount so that this group gets a break over those coming directly to that step. Price could range from $9.95 on up to $50 area.
  • Step 4 - More commitment in time and dollars. Could be a one-time seminar (Price around $50-$100), or a seminar over several weeks ($100 to $250). It could be an "Intro to coaching" where you have 10-100 people attending over 3-4 weeks ($100 to $250). It could also be a bigger e-book ($75 to $100), or written information captured from a live seminar.
  • Step 5 - Coaching (one on one), or whatever your end result is to be, at your final price.

These levels and prices aren't cast in stone. Your funnel is to lead people through the process of getting to know you without risk. Each step requires more commitment (more risk) in price and time. The key here is: IF you have provided value, LOTS of it, at that level, and IF you have encouraged them to want more, COMPEL them with your core marketing statement and VALUE statement to want more, then they will want more. And, yes, you will lose people in every step, or at least there will be some that don't take the step right then and there, but might be sticking around where you can get them back into the funnel for the next time.

Although you will lose people at each step, the percentage of those that go on to the next step will continue to be higher and higher at each step.

One version of this approach, when used for direct mail is actually achieving 20% to 70% appointment setting rates with large corporations.

But, as I said at the beginning, developing a POWERFUL core marketing message, reaching out to the RIGHT market, is the key. Another key point is: plan it, do it, measure it, then go back and improve that response by: changing your power core marketing message, and watch the improvement. Once fine tuned this is a KILLER business building approach...even though there are those that say it doesn't work.

Do you want to learn more about how to increase your coaching businesses? I have just completed my brand new guide to coaching marketing success. You'll also get a free invitation to join a mastermind group of other coaches as they build their business. Hear what works and doesn't work.

Get your "How to Build a Super Star Coaching Business" for free Alan Boyer coach's coaches, who want more business than they can handle, or at least more than they imagined...before this.....The reports have been "5-10 times more clients in just a few weeks, and still growing.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Be Honest With Yourself - What Do You Really Want Out Of Life?

So many people these days want to better themselves and dream of a bright future. Sadly, for most of them it stays that way - just dreams. So what is the trigger that can fire your ambition from dream to reality? This article takes a look at one aspect of this problem.

I remember years ago going to a sales seminar where, instead of the (in those days) usual boring 'we've got a new product for you to sell' kind of format, there was this young guy who was just on fire!

He stood at the front and looked at us all then asked a question. 'What do you really want out of life?' Now, nobody at the seminar had ever been asked this before in this way and we were all a bit confused. 'Tell you what,' he said, 'write it down and in two minutes we'll discuss the things you wrote.'

Two minutes silence ensued as pens scribbled on paper and heads were scratched. What was he talking about? We all handed our replies in and he read through some, out loud. They went more or less like this:

'I want a big house/nice car/pool/yacht/motor boat/loads of money' - and so on. He turned to all of us. 'Okay,' he said. 'Then what?' Nobody had a clue what he meant. What more could you want than what we had already put down? 'Come on' he said 'what do you want when you've got all this? Nothing else?'

No-one replied. He shook his head, lifting his arm to wave the slips of paper with our answers. 'All this,' he said, 'is useless without one other thing. Know what that is?' The room stayed silent. 'I'll tell you then. TIME.'

Slowly it began to dawn. What he was driving at is that all those material possessions were in many ways useless unless you had time to enjoy them. It made us all think, myself included. I realised that I was slogging away at my job with no real end in sight - unless you counted official retirement - and, worse still, with no plan for my life.

That, I worked out later, was the really important thing. I chatted to the presenter after the seminar and he said a few things that made a whole lot of sense. Maybe they do for you too. I won't name him - but I know for a certain fact that he reached his life goal just ten years later and has had a lovely villa in Spain for the past twenty years where he's retired to - and he's only about 55 years old now!

He said - amongst other things - 'One reason people don't succeed in what they want to do is simply that - they don't know what they want to do.' That idea struck me as strange and I said so. 'Honestly,' he replied, 'if you don't set a goal, how can you succeed? When I asked you about goals tonight, not one person really had one - only the vaguest idea of what they thought success meant.'

So, I asked - could you have a goal and get rich more quickly than any other way? His answer really surprised me. 'Success is not just about money - it's about the freedom and time that money buys. I'm convinced that there is no way to riches except through planning, application and hard work.'

I can't argue with him on that one, that's for sure! So - what's the real point of this article? Simply put - set a goal for life and you MAY attain it. Fail to set a goal and you have absolutely NO chance of attaining it - it just isn't there! Someone once said 'Fail to plan, plan to fail'. To this could be added 'Set no goal, expect no score.' So dream your dream by all means - but you must know what you want before you can turn in onto reality!

Steve Dempster spends his time working towards his life goal and having fun as well. If you would like to look at one way of starting off down a planned path to success, pay him a visit by clicking here

Wake Up and Start Living Your life Today

Do What You Love, Love What You Do!

Do What You Love - Love What You Do! It can be more than a 'motto' if you truly believe in yourself and what you are doing. I've been a goal-oriented person throughout my life and I've always tried to 'do what I love and love what I do'. In junior high school, I decided to pursue a career in journalism. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were my inspiration during the Watergate/Nixon years.

With that goal in mind, I began work on my first major dream as a teenager and succeeded in becoming a television political reporter upon graduating from college with a Degree Journalism and Political Science, and a Masters Degree in Public Affairs Reporting. Thankfully, I had wonderful teachers, mentors, friends, and family members to help me along. To this day, I appreciate their attention, encouragement, and advice more than they know.

Equally important, I learned to create 'plans - including timelines and deadlines' - that took me from start to finish. Those plans were mostly of 'my own making' because strategic thinking and planning is not something that you're taught in school. Much of of my planning was instinctual. I'm an organization nut by nature. But I also grew by educating myself, and by doing creative planning and problem solving 'on the job' throughout my career. If I didn't know how to do something, I found books that would help. Over the years I've read scores of books that have helped me to learn to plan, create, write, achieve, succeed, and do. There are so many wonderful authors, ideas, and approaches. There is always something new to learn, and so many good teachers! I took classes, asked questions and listened to my mentors and teachers at work, school and in professional organizations.

Plans, however, are not carved in stone. To succeed you have to be flexible, adaptable, and open-minded. Not surprisingly, through the years, my career has taken a variety of challenging twists and turns. It hasn't always been easy, it's certainly been a lot of work, but it's brought enormous joy, reward, and satisfaction to my life. Early in my career I thought I'd always be a political reporter. Life, however produced interesting surprises, and I eventually veered off that track and went directly into politics. That said, the thread that has remained constant throughout my life is my love for writing and communications. After I left reporting, I wrote a really bad novel, and now I'm working on a 'How To Book' about achieving dreams, resolutions and goals (much better than my 'bad novel'!).

I've been an avid 'journaler' both hard-copy and on Internet Blogs for years and years. I manage my life out of spiral notebooks, journals, and calendars. I've learned that writing things down is an important way to chronicle life, and to move dreams forward day by day. I set timelines, deadlines, chart progress, make course corrections when I'm off track - and most importantly, I reward myself for hard won victories. I write things down so I can think things through on paper. I write things down so I can devise a strategy that answers the question of 'how, what, when, where, and why' I can and will achieve my dreams, resolutions and goals. I write things down so I can review my progress and all the daily actions I have taken.

Writing is as important and vital to me, my happiness, and survival, as breathing air. I long ago found my purpose in life. The writing and creative process has taken may forms, brought many surprises, and things haven't always worked out exactly as I thought they would, but it has been a wonderful ride on the both the good days and the not so good days when I did hand to hand combat with obstacles. I do what I love and I love what I do. I have no regrets and I count my blessings each and every day for all that I have and all that I am.

I hope you've also found your 'true love' - those dreams large and small about which you have great passion and interest. Dreams that complete your life, make it interesting and wonderful! Dreams that make you want to get out of bed and face the day with a smile on your face. If you haven't figured out what you would love to do perhaps its time to consider these questions:

  1. Do you wake up in the morning, looking forward to the things you'll be doing, the challenges you'll be tackling, the people you'll be working with and meeting? Or do you drag through your day, dreading what's to come? What changes, both small and large, could you make that would help you to look forward to your day? What are your dreams? What are the 100 things that you would truly love to do, see, create, achieve, learn, feel, be, have in your lifetime? Pick just one dream and turn it into a one sentence resolution, a promise: I Resolve To ________. Then do your homework, learn all the many things you need to do to achieve your dream, your resolution. Pursue it passionately, patiently one small step, one small goal at a time, one day at a time until you succeed.
  2. If you're already pursuing your dreams, but aren't feeling satisfied with progress, or the journey, are you keeping a journal that chronicles your ups and downs? Do you sit down, in a quiet place where you can feel relaxed, to do a weekly Check In? Do you review what you've achieved and think through your 'next daily steps', or are you on auto-pilot? Maybe it's time for some fresh brainstorming, some conscious decision-making. Maybe it's time to do more homework. What are the many steps you need to take to make your dream a reality? What do you need to do to take those steps/daily goals into reality?
  3. Do your values match your dreams, resolutions and goals? Have you ever tried to match up your values and beliefs to your dreams, resolutions and goals? Perhaps it's time to consider what you value in life, what you believe in, as compared to your aspiration and goals . . . do they complement each other? If not, how can you reconcile the two?
  4. Do you go it alone? Maybe it's time to find a buddy, friend, or family member who shares your dream and can lend encouragement, and help build energy, enthusiasm and motivation. Take classes, they will help to keep you focused!
These questions aren't easy to ponder or answer. Life isn't easy. But they're all worth considering if, eventually, they will set you on a course to a more productive, rewarding life. Life isn't perfect, but it can be happy and fulfilling if that's your true desire and you're willing to work hard for it -one dream, one resolution, one goal, one step, one day at a time - with passion, patience, persistence, and commitment.

Remember: I Resolve To Achieve My New Year Resolutions, One Resolution, One Day At A Time For One Year. It's your choice. Do it today. Turn your resolution into reality. Make your resolution a permanent Lifetime Resolution, something that's with you for good! Above all, Be A Resolutionista, someone who keeps resolutions and enjoys the journey! Let's Go For It!

Kim Simpson, a former journalist, provides communications, fundraising services and strategic planning, for Members of Congress, non-profit organizations, corporations, and associations in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. A self-employed entrepreneur, with more than 25 years of experience, she launched IResolveTo.Com in 2005 in an effort to help others to achieve their New Year Resolutions, Dreams and Goals. Her motto is: I Resolve To Achieve My New Year Resolutions, One Resolution, One Day At A Time For One Year. Let's 'Go For It'. Get your daily dose of inspiration at: As added incentive, why not make and keep your New Year Resolution by wearing it? Drop by the I Resolve To Store at

This article is Copyright I Resolve To, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. It can be printed for personal, non-commercial use in achieving New Year Resolutions, Dreams and Goals.


Success Maker - Help Others To Be Greater Than You

If you want success you will need to be a success maker to get it. You may have the initial idea that makes your success possible, but no matter what your idea youll need others to reach success yourself. You cant become greater and more successful if youre looking to build your foundation for success on those who have less skills and knowledge than you.

Being a success maker means you arent afraid to reach out to those who are greater than. As you continue on your journey toward success youll need to find those who are more knowledgeable than you in certain areas. Yes, you could become an expert in every area youll need to reach your success; but that is a slow and inefficient way to get there. Youll achieve success much faster and with far less bumps along the way if you get people who are experts in the areas you need to either do some of the work for you, or to act as your guide helping you to avoid the pitfalls you dont even know are there.

Success makers are comfortable in their own skin and arent afraid to help others to become even greater. As you reach out to experts to get their help and guidance dont be afraid to help them to become even greater from the experience of having worked with you. This is the point where your confidence is really escalating, and you have the opportunity to become a force driving yourself and those around you to success. Please note, I used the word confidence not arrogance. Arrogance can kill your forward progress, and set you up for a very hard and painful fall because when your thoughts become clouded with arrogance your good judgment gets lost.

Success makers realize its never just about you. Anytime its just about you, youre ready to fail. Allow the greatness of those around you to help you to go farther faster. This may mean allowing those whove helped you to greatness to move in another direction where they can achieve their own greatness. When its time for one of your experts to move on wish them well, and continue to provide the support they may now need from you. You can be gracious and supportive because you have confidence that you can continue your forward progress and find another expert to take you even further.

Success makers understand that they cant ever achieve success alone. Your success depends on your ability to provide others with more value than you take. Your success depends on your ability to find others greater than you to help you get to success faster. Your success depends on your ability to help others become greater and more valuable than they were when you first met.

Use this e-coaching tool to develop your path for success - Success Model.

Looking for success? find Success here.

Abraham Maslow

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Inch by Inch, Day by Day, Step by Step

Sometimes when we are working toward a particular end result, things may not move as quickly as we would like then to move. Also, life can throw in some real curve balls that frustrate us or thwart our intentions. What can we do at times like that?

Comparing yourself and your progress, to that of another person, is a trap. Your journey is meant to be your own unique journey and the lessons you learn along the way are being presented to you for a particular purpose. Very often, when making comparisons we are not looking at a true picture. You can count on it that the person you are observing will also have had many hurdles to jump, and these may not be evident to you when you see them today.

Overnight law of success is so often featured in our media, and more often than not, law of success is portrayed as miraculously instant. People who start a new venture based on that premise or belief are surprised when they are not at their end target before the end of a few weeks. Losing patience and frustrated, they then jump out of that venture and into another brand new one, only to find the same thing happening again.

Can you see Federer, Robbins, Oprah, Woods and others being where they are today if they struggled with that notion and jumped from one discipline to the next, simply because they saw that star studded fame and law of success in their industry was not yet evident after a few days, weeks and often years?

J. Paul Meyer (considered by many to be the founder of the self-improvement industry as it exists today) once said, "Success is the progressive accomplishment of personally worthwhile long range goals".

One key to knowing that you are moving in a forward direction is to hold a laser focus on what is working for you. A great way to do that is by measuring the specific results that were produced by particular actions that you have taken toward your goal. How else could you know that something is having the desired impact? List them for yourself and then start keeping good records.

One of my favorite ways to regularly remind myself to take my effective actions is to keep handy that list of actions that I know have worked for me, by adding them into my Motivator program. The actions that I need to be taking, pop up for me in the corner of my computer screen at time intervals that I preset. You can download your own free, personal Motivator tool by using the Tell A Friend button at my Forward Steps Life Coaching site.

A next step is to discover what has worked for others in your chosen endeavor. Quit reinventing the wheel if your journey is becoming a struggle. Get yourself a whopper tip from an expert that could leverage your actions and take your project to a whole new level. There are so many great online communities where you will find law of successful people who are generous with their advice, you will find a few at my list on ClaimId (Google that word, to its link add a forward slash then my name Thea, and you will see my list).

When you set your own targets, make certain that your time lines for these intended results are feasible. If you generally have 3 new people subscribe to your newsletter each day, then it is no use setting an initial goal of having 20,000 subscribers at the end of one year if you currently have 15 subscribers. A more likely goal would be 3,000 at the end of 12 months. You can then go to work on finding ways to double your subscription rates. In the process of working toward that, you may then learn enough to play for a much higher target during the following year and if your goal appears attainable, you will be less discouraged with actions you are currently taking.

It is important to recognize that you grow into law of success and huge results are correlated to huge changes in yourself and your mindset. The Anthony Robbins during the low period in his life where he was struggling to pay his bills, over weight and without direction, is not the same Anthony Robbins you see today on stage. The Roger Federer who, as a young boy was hitting tennis balls against the wall in the local club, is not the Federer you see today. Similarly with yourself, if for example you are a teacher then I am certain you are a different teacher today than you were in your first three years of that career.

Recognise that true and long lasting law of success really could take a decent length of time. Develop your level of patience plus your skills of observation and communication. As Jack Canfield suggests, "Every day do five specific things that take you toward your goal. Change up the five actions regularly and be open to feedback so you know when you are off course". Lastly, ask yourself if your actions are REAL actions toward your desired end result, and remind yourself daily that external results are not you. They are events, happenings and results, completely distinct from YOU as the person who has unique gifts to offer.

Thea Westra is an international life coach who resides in Perth, Western Australia. She is editor and publisher of a monthly personal growth newsletter at her life coaching site Find this article also at Inch by Inch, Day by Day, Step by Step

Louise Hay

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

36 Ways To Change Your Mindset - This List Might Surprise You!

Daydream a moment... slip into your brightest, most cheerful swimsuit, grab hold of your best friend's hand, and make a mad dash through the water sprinkler in the yard of your cranky neighbor. Now yell, scream, and laugh at the top of your lungs... How does it feel?

Do that in your mind, and you just changed your mindset.

The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own lifeTo become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something. Not to be onto something is to be in despairWhat do you seek? Binx Bolling, in Walker Percy's The Moviegoer

Your mindset is simply your way of thinking, and your way of thinking determines how open you are to change. Clarifying your mindset really says a great deal about the adjustments youll be inviting into your life, especially since you are fully responsible for the changes taking place.

If you are stuck in the muck and mire of your own life, you cant see the forest for the trees so to speak. You dont even know the direction to go, or that there are even is a direction! And if you know there is a direction, and you at least see a light at the end of the tunnel of the life you dont want, then you are aware of the possibility of the life that awaits you.

Ahh, the sweet scent of power!

Your mindset is formed in early childhood you are the product of others habitual way of thinking. As a powerful adult now, you have full authority and means to shift your mindset. And in doing so you can create the life you want, and that is rightfully already yours.

Although there are two ways to describe your mindset scarce or abundant your mindset is on a continuum. Knowing where your mind is right now, will largely determine how challenging your journey is going to be.

Scarcity and Abundance

Scarcity means you perceive yourself to have an extreme lack of resources or knowledge of how to gain resources that are needed when the going gets rough. In a state of extreme lack, there breeds disappointment, pain, lack of control, lack of knowledge, and lack of fulfillment. Abundance is the opposite of scarcity. It is the reality of overflowing resources where the fish in the water has more than an adequate supply of what is needed. To have abundant resources in life is having overflowing fulfillment of lifes needs. Abundance may show up in your life like this:

Where is your Mind? On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being on the lowest level of the continuum (scarce) and 10 being on the highest level of the continuum (abundant), how does your current state of mind rate? In other words, what is your life like at this moment?

36 Ways to Change Your Mindset

Changing your mindset is easy; you just have to make the decision to do it! And to make it easy, I have 36 things you can do starting now.

Think positive
Use affirmations
Call and old friend
Watch a funny movie
Read a spiritual book
Write in your gratitude journal
Eat a chocolate chip cookie (or oatmeal raisin your pick)
Take a walk
Have sex
Do jumping jacks
Sneak some grapes from the produce aisle
Go on a date with your spouse
Swing with your kids at the park
Visit an amusement park
Go ahead, zone out for 1 hour while watching Oprah (or any other zone-out show you choose)
Wrestle with your dog and let him give you dog-kisses
Tickle your kids till theyre silly
Read a book to your kids
Take a candlelit bath
Listen to a motivational speaker
Watch an episode of Chelsea Lately
Dance like no ones watching
Actually use your dusty yoga tapes
Go for a scenic drive
Listen to music that inspires you
Read the Sunday comics
Have coffee with a close friend
Attend a local story time, even if you dont have kids
Pull weeds and plant flowers
Take a nap
Join the Naked Truth Alliance

There is no secret about it when you change your mindset youre well on your way to transforming your life in a way that will STICK.

Jennifer Ryan, M.Ed.
Naked Truth Coach

Pema Chodron

Sacred Love - Be the Love You Dream

Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they needed your approval. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again. There is no greater existence than the life that gives more than it takes.

If you are in love it will show. In your eyes, your face, the way you walk, the way you sit, everything will show it, because you are not the same person. You have been touched. The desiring mind is not there. And here is a big problem.

If you are only happy when you find a lover to fall in love with, your life and relationship will be a mess. Before you fell in love there was not the same experience, so basically you were walking around incomplete without a lover. Its like that song Youre nobody till somebody loves you, in reality, that headspace causes all our suffering .

It should read, Youre somebody, whether anybody loves you. If you are one person before you fall in love, and then you are somebody else after you fall in love, there is dependency on this great experience, and that is the beginning of relationship problems. This is the first or second level of love, where there is significant confusion between love, need, rescue and an anti-depressant.

There are four substitutes for love. They are sex, food, religion and material greed. Many people cant discern the difference between love and substitutes. They feel in love because of great sex, or because their lover has lots of wealth. This is because the same chemicals that are produced in the body when love is there, are produced when we experience hope. So chemically, love hormones are secreted when we experience other forms of happiness, such as infatuation, but hope is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

This is the motive that attracts people together in the first, second and third levels of love. Their hormones are racing; they cant tell if it is love, infatuation or hope. The chemistry of their body changes and they feel every experience of In LOVE. But they are not in love. They are in solution. Solution to a problem is a substitute for love. This substitution is unsustainable. The attachment to their lover is highly emotional, highly conditional, its the relationship made in hell, because there is a heightened hope that love is there, but it is not really love, and it fails. They were just not ready to be in love, because they were not in love before they met their lover.

To really be in love, we must learn to be in love without a partner, as well as with a partner. We must become in love without someone to love. It is a loving attitude to life, to trees and children and sunsets alone; in love with a movie, and in love with our parents. To be ready to fall in love, we must be in love with our past and our future.

When you are really in love with something in your life, you are ambivalent to it. In other words you are not attracted to it, or repelled by it. You are not afraid of it or avoiding it. That person or circumstance is a part of you. They are you. You are they, they are the mirror and you can see yourself there. In this love, there is thankfulness. You can thank someone, you are no longer trying to do the opposite to them; you are them. You can be in love with anyone if you choose. Of course, that is not to say you need a relationship with them. Love is a way of being in the world without reaction to it.

There are many single people who learn to love everyone in order to keep themselves at peace, safe. And this is healthy, but contentment is not a place to stay, it is only a place that you might become happy without a lover. That is fine if you want your ego to be strong and powerful in the world. Just stay single so there is no person who can confront your giant within but this is not love. That state of contentment is a war on love. This is not what I am suggesting. Because if the ego is in control, then your contentment is something youll try to protect in your relationship, there will be no experience of a life with love, only sexual moments of it. If your ego wants contentment, it is asking to flatten the spirit of your lover, it will search the world for someone who is trustworthy, but what it is really asking for is non-disturbance, authority. Eventually, that relationship will deteriorate, then you will be controlling, possessive, jealous, fearful, unable to trust, judgmental, self righteous, blaming. And frankly, what level of celebration of love is that going to promote? You will lose that chemistry of falling in love and gain the acidity of resentment.

This tension will usually kill love before it begins. Remember, nobody can do to you more than you do to yourself so, if you are not sitting on a beach, painting a picture, or doing your work at the office with love; if you are unhappy before you meet someone, or addicted to the substitutes, then your love will have all the chemical experiences you want, but none of the sustainable spiritual experiences you need. If you are not in love with life before you meet your lover, then its a bit weird to expect that you will be able to fix all your emotional problems by falling in love. Youll only find someone to relieve the pain. And nothing is going to do that for long.

Many people I have worked with blame their relationship for everything. But when you look inside their heart, those issues, that unhappiness, has been there forever. They may have channeled it to their parents, ex-partner, children or brothers and sisters, even the business can get the blame, but when they come into relationship, their partner gets the blame and everything else is let off the hook, including themselves.

In nature, the forest is the same forest whether you are in it or not.

Romance is not built out of a fearful dependency that says, Without you, my life is not worth living. That expression comes from someone who is severely depressed and you have become their anti-depressant. You are not an anti-depressant, you are a lover of life, and a lover of lovers. So, the question is, are you in love, before you fall in love with someone?

In nature, there is nothing missing, there is always love in one form or another

When I was first married, I thought there was only one person I could be in love with. So, that became my wife. There were people that I loved, but there was only my wife to be in love with. I didnt really think about love as something I could do at work, or at sport. I said, Love is for my wife, and everything else is something else. Its like putting on a straight jacket. Its inhuman because anything we do in life without love is competitive and dry. So in my business, I was not interested in loving what I was doing, I was dry and tough, which made my leadership very aggressive. When my divorce came, I realised that I had been inhuman to myself. That I needed to actually be in love with my world, and with what I did, in order to be in love with a partner. Then, my relationships were not little love moments in an otherwise hard working life, my relationships were a magnificent extension of what I already had.

To be in love we cannot become exclusive. We cannot pretend to be loving and open hearted to one person, and judgmental and protective toward another. Love is not like a suit we wear that can be put on and taken off. Love is a way of living, an attitude from which we choose a relationship, and there we become exclusive in our actions. To love is not exclusive, that cannot be. But from that love, we can choose to be in relationship, an intimate, romantic and beautiful relationship, and then we prioritise that person, and choose to open to them. So we focus significant energy in this book on becoming that which you want others to be, to make your life an act of love.

Love is a state of being. It cannot depend on what you are doing physically, or with whom you are doing it. But lovers want the beloved to love only them, no one else. They dont know that unless you can love all, you cannot love anyone. The wife might say the husband can love only her, and not be loving toward anybody else; the stream of his love should flow only toward her. But she does not realise that such love is false, and that she has caused it to be false. How can a lover who is not full of love for everybody be loving to his partner?

A magnificent key to creating a harmonious, lasting and sacred relationship is to understand that a loving person treats both those they like, and those they dislike, with love. This is the spiritual aspect of it all. A person with love offers a loving attitude even to lifeless objects. This is the beginning, learning to love pets and objects, good friends and kind acts. But the true test comes when we are asked to love those who hurt us, those who are unkind to us, and most importantly, in our relationship, our lover who brings truth home to us, by challenging us.

This sacred relationship you dream of, is an attitude. You must be mindful that your attitude in every moment of your life causes the quality of your life. Your emotions are not automatic; you are not a leaf blown around the park wherever the wind takes you. You are the tree, your roots go deep, your soul is guiding you to love. There is no authenticity in following your emotions of hurt or pleasure. Only animals cannot choose how they respond to circumstance. Although your animal instinct is important to your feeling of emotion, you must choose one thousand times a day to be inspired by love and work through your judgments. If you gravitate to your emotional nature (Ego), and be swept along in the rush of it all, your love life will always deteriorate to drama.

Do you think that we can hate one person and love another? No, that is impossible. A loving human being is a loving human being; it has nothing to do with some individual. Even sitting alone such a person is loving, even when no one is watching, they are loving. To be loving is this persons nature, it has nothing to do with relationship. A loving person is loving no matter with whom or where they are.

Love Bites

Every day we walk, talk, smile, laugh and work. In this, there is an opportunity to open ourselves to Love people. The bus driver, the checkout person, the taxi driver, the CEO. We can just grab a moment and feel love without acting, I call them love bites Tiny moments in time, where you actually fall in love and let it pass. It is not invasive, like asking for phone numbers or even trying to get an acknowledgement. These spoil the beauty of it. Simply by opening your mind to the possibility that, if you are mindful you can fall in love, over and over and over, with anyone, anywhere, anytime. I once experienced a love bite with 500 people in one day. I doubt any of them knew it. Because a love bite stops right there, in the awareness. You fall in love, feel the love bite, and keep it a secret. The action stops there. Then you simply buy the milk and go home. You just fall in love, feel the love bite, and leave it. A love bite experience means no action, and then you will have many. This is a culture of love. Where you learn to see beauty as often as possible, to celebrate that diversity of beauty by taking the nano-second to honor and witness it.

A man walked into the room, flung the door open, angrily undid his shoelaces because they were too tight, tossed them in the corner, then closed the door with a thud. If there is anger inside, a person will treat their shoes and possessions as if they were his worst enemy. The man bowed before the monk, and offered his respects.

The monk said, I cannot respond to your greeting until you apologise to the door and your shoes.

The man protested, They are not alive, I will not apologise, why should I?

The Monk replied, You took your anger out on those shoes, and the door, you acknowledged their personality when you were angry with them. You threw the shoes as if they were guilty of something. You have acknowledged their personality in your actions, so you must acknowledge their personality in your apology to them.

The man, Sorry to you shoes, I was angry at you, sorry door I took out my frustration on you.

The man turned to the Monk and spoke, I feel so at peace with myself, this has made me aware that I have been treating everything with my anger, people and things, I have been stirring my anger.

Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy law of success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chriss work and journeys to Nepal, visit

Mind Body Spirit

Monday, June 9, 2008

Lower Back Tattoo Designs - 3 Tips For Women Who Want To Find That Perfect Lower Back Tattoo Design

So you want to get a tattoo on your lower back but don't know which lower back tattoo design is right for you. I have known women that have taken months to choose the right design. To help you on your quest to find the perfect lower back tattoo design, here are 3 tips that will help you decide.

Lower Back Tattoo Design Tip #1 - Make it personal for you.

Think about something that you think defines you in one way or another. This could be a flower, animal, place, or emotion. You can incorporate this into the design of your tattoo to make it unique. Also think about the design itself as it relates to you. Do you want a detailed design representing your inner mysteries or do you want something simple that may represent your fun loving nature?

Lower Back Tattoo Design Tip #2 - Make it the right size for you.

Of course lower back tattoo designs come in all shapes and sizes but it's important to choose the right size for you. Again, this has a lot to do with what you want the tattoo to mean to you. You can get a smaller daintier design to represent your beauty as a woman. Or you can get a larger tattoo that expresses your outgoing nature.

Lower Back Tattoo Design Tip #3 - Make browsing for a design easy.

There are millions of designs out there and looking through them all can often become very daunting. One of the best ways to find the best lower back tattoo design for you is to browse through online collections. This is an easy way for you to look at loads of designs, get great ideas, and print out the design you want all from the comfort of your house. This will stop the tiring routine of visiting loads of tattoo parlours and coming up empty handed.

Want to see the best Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Browse through thousands of tattoo designs and find the perfect tatttoo for you here: Best Tattoo Designs

Mao Zedong

Sphynx - The Ultimate Hairless Cat

The cat breed "Sphynx" is recognized by The International Cat Association as an official breed and can make a wonderful addition to your family. Unlike the Peterbald cat with it's hairless body and long whiskers, the Sphynx cat has absolutely no hair, making it easy to care for.

The Sphynx is a very loving and mild-mannered cat, almost perfect as a companion. It never has a problem with hairballs or spit-ups which are common with ordinary cats. The lack of hair makes them a perfect cat for those with allergies, but it also makes them vulnerable to sunburn and cold temperatures. The Sphynx rarely grooms itself so it will need regular bathing; at least once a week. If it isn't bathed, the Sphynx will become very oily and begin to show signs of skin irritation. Regular warm-water baths are essential. In the winter, Sphynx cats are very amenable to wearing pet sweaters or other novelty outfits. They seem as comfortable in clothing as people do. This makes this breed a very entertaining cat to own. Many Sphynx owners have several outfits for their cats to wear.

In the winter, you may want to keep a heating pad or electric blanket available for your Sphynx. Many like to curl up next to a radiator or other heat source as they feel the cold much more keenly than ordinary cats. In summer, be careful that your cat doesn't spend too much time lounging in the warmth of the afternoon sun. Sphynx cats do tend to burn - just like we do!

If you are interested in adopting a Sphynx cat, there are hairless varieties bred in several different colors including pink, blue, black, and the very rare purple. You simply cannot find a more loving and agreeable cat to add to your family.

Daniel Walch publishes articles on business, family issues and psychology. See his blog at

Pablo Picasso

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Is He The Right Man For Me?

Perhaps you have been dating a man who seems to be very caring, loving & supportive. You wonder & want to seek relationship advice, "Is he the right man for me?" How do you know if Mr. Right is going to be that man who will be willing to commit to a meaningful relationship & is a person who you can feel comfortable with for the rest of your life? Here are a few guidelines that might help you make that decision.

When relationships begin, each person is putting on their best face. Of course we don't want the other person to know that down deep inside of us, we are really insecure & have characteristics about ourself that we keep hidden. It is not until the relationship becomes committed or the legal binding of marriage occurs that it is safe to begin to allow that aspect to surface, with less fear that your partner is going to leave you. This is true for everyone on some level, whether one is conscious or unconscious about those insecurities.

It is common for that shadow side to surface after a commitment is made in the relationship, leaving feelings of disappointment. The biggest flaws will be the deepest hidden. There are qualities of a man to look for that will let you know that your man is capable of sustaining a healthy relationship. And this indeed forms the relevant part of relationship advice.

How does your man handle conflict or resolve differences?

Does he become quiet and refuse to discuss the problem? Or is he willing to communicate about the differences & help to resolve the situation in a loving way? Communication is essential to a law of successful relationship. If your man shows signs of withdrawing, pouting, or becomes angry when a conflict arises, it is a major sign of emotional immaturity. Both partners need to be able to address a problem by sharing their views & emotions without blaming the other. You cannot resolve a problem if he refuses to talk about it or isn't emotionally connected well enough to know what he is feeling. If there is no possibility of conflict, then perhaps the intimacy in the relationship may not be easily established. That doesn't mean that conflict is necessary, but it does mean that he should be willing to take the initiative to openly discuss difficult/controversial subjects & move out of any conflicting situation very easily. The relationship will then deepen.

Does your man value your happiness?

A law of successful relationship is maintained by both the partners by respecting & honoring their love by committing to each other's best interests. If you are with a man who doesn't cherish your love, but is only concerned with his own happiness, be very wary. He should be willing to go beyond his own self interests & see the worth of honoring those values that you aspire to & hold dear. If you value financial responsibility then his life should show his commitment to a job & being sensible with debt. And if family values are important to you then he must spend maximum time with the family. The relationship advice will be that your happiness must be his priority.

Is your man considerate?

A man should be dependable. Does he show up when he says he will? Does he say he is going to call & you don't hear from him? You should be able to know that he stands by his word & you can trust him to be there when he says he is. To be in a law of successful relationship you should be able to lean on your man, knowing that he will be willing to be there for you. Thus you will never feel the need of any relationship advice.

Dr Rakesh Chopra, the Relationship Spiritual Mentor, is an international expert in Relationship Counseling & Advice. He also has the amazing ability to understand people's personalities just by looking at a photograph of them. By looking at two people's photos, he can advise on how to build their emotional compatibility. Read more on . Also check out the Celebrity Profiles done by him!

Acquiring Knowledge