Tuesday, June 10, 2008

36 Ways To Change Your Mindset - This List Might Surprise You!

Daydream a moment... slip into your brightest, most cheerful swimsuit, grab hold of your best friend's hand, and make a mad dash through the water sprinkler in the yard of your cranky neighbor. Now yell, scream, and laugh at the top of your lungs... How does it feel?

Do that in your mind, and you just changed your mindset.

The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own lifeTo become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something. Not to be onto something is to be in despairWhat do you seek? Binx Bolling, in Walker Percy's The Moviegoer

Your mindset is simply your way of thinking, and your way of thinking determines how open you are to change. Clarifying your mindset really says a great deal about the adjustments youll be inviting into your life, especially since you are fully responsible for the changes taking place.

If you are stuck in the muck and mire of your own life, you cant see the forest for the trees so to speak. You dont even know the direction to go, or that there are even is a direction! And if you know there is a direction, and you at least see a light at the end of the tunnel of the life you dont want, then you are aware of the possibility of the life that awaits you.

Ahh, the sweet scent of power!

Your mindset is formed in early childhood you are the product of others habitual way of thinking. As a powerful adult now, you have full authority and means to shift your mindset. And in doing so you can create the life you want, and that is rightfully already yours.

Although there are two ways to describe your mindset scarce or abundant your mindset is on a continuum. Knowing where your mind is right now, will largely determine how challenging your journey is going to be.

Scarcity and Abundance

Scarcity means you perceive yourself to have an extreme lack of resources or knowledge of how to gain resources that are needed when the going gets rough. In a state of extreme lack, there breeds disappointment, pain, lack of control, lack of knowledge, and lack of fulfillment. Abundance is the opposite of scarcity. It is the reality of overflowing resources where the fish in the water has more than an adequate supply of what is needed. To have abundant resources in life is having overflowing fulfillment of lifes needs. Abundance may show up in your life like this:

Where is your Mind? On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being on the lowest level of the continuum (scarce) and 10 being on the highest level of the continuum (abundant), how does your current state of mind rate? In other words, what is your life like at this moment?

36 Ways to Change Your Mindset

Changing your mindset is easy; you just have to make the decision to do it! And to make it easy, I have 36 things you can do starting now.

Think positive
Use affirmations
Call and old friend
Watch a funny movie
Read a spiritual book
Write in your gratitude journal
Eat a chocolate chip cookie (or oatmeal raisin your pick)
Take a walk
Have sex
Do jumping jacks
Sneak some grapes from the produce aisle
Go on a date with your spouse
Swing with your kids at the park
Visit an amusement park
Go ahead, zone out for 1 hour while watching Oprah (or any other zone-out show you choose)
Wrestle with your dog and let him give you dog-kisses
Tickle your kids till theyre silly
Read a book to your kids
Take a candlelit bath
Listen to a motivational speaker
Watch an episode of Chelsea Lately
Dance like no ones watching
Actually use your dusty yoga tapes
Go for a scenic drive
Listen to music that inspires you
Read the Sunday comics
Have coffee with a close friend
Attend a local story time, even if you dont have kids
Pull weeds and plant flowers
Take a nap
Join the Naked Truth Alliance

There is no secret about it when you change your mindset youre well on your way to transforming your life in a way that will STICK.

Jennifer Ryan, M.Ed.
Naked Truth Coach

Pema Chodron

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