Monday, March 5, 2007

Are you familiar with the “Attraction Model” of living

Putting the Action Into ATTR-ACTION

By Ken Donaldson

Essentially, it means that when you live your life with very specific intention, and in integrity with that intention, then you will attract to you what it is that you are intending.
Being intentional means to be clear and specific about what it is that you want. It also means to be purposeful and to “live on purpose”.
Having integrity means being congruent with that intention, and it is your “walk” matching your “talk”. Your “walk” in this case means going into action, which is also the last five letters of attrACTION.

Yes, you will have to go into action to get what you want.
Want to start or add to a business, start a new relationship or enhance an existing one, or add to your personal growth?
Regardless of what “It” is, “It” will happen if you follow this formula, and only if you go into action.
Start by getting clear about what you want. Write down specifically your goals and objectives. Make a time line that directs you to take actions steps. Know exactly what your intention is.
Then put the action into the attraction.
If you are passive, you will get passive results.
Push the “luck factor”. Someone (I think it was Oprah) once said, “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.” Be prepared with your intention and create more opportunities.
In fact, the more opportunities you create and follow-through with, the more results you will attain. That is all about staying in the ACTION.

Use your support system to help you. Ask them to hold you accountable to your commitments and goals.
Use the expertise of your life coach to help you get clear about your intentions, and to help you be accountable as well.
If you feel uncomfortable, insecure, vulnerable, or “weird”, know that you are most likely right on target.

In order to get anything new, you have to create new strategies, approaches, and systems. Most anything “new” might feel strange until you get used to it
So, live the ATTR-ACTION model of life. Remember, there is very little ATTR-ACTION without the ACTION. Be a magnet and draw towards you all your dreams of the most fulfilling life possible...and then go into ACTION!

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