Saturday, March 3, 2007

How to be confident at any age

If the myself of now sat down with myself at 21 and tried to explain the secret to becoming confident and attaining success I probably would have a lot of trouble getting through to him. It's hard to be a believer without experience and in hindsight faith is a lot easier, but I'll do my best to help along all those other people struggling to have faith in themself.
There is only one thing you need to understand, and in fact this is more a faith based decision about your future more than it is a tangible truth if you are young and/or inexperienced.
Your success will be determined by your personal congruency, your courage of conviction and faith in your own abilities.

If you don't have experience, you are young and just starting out in life, you don't have a history of events to draw conclusions from. Books, videos, podcasts and education in general are a good starting point but you will never have success, you will never get true confidence in yourself without experience, without taking actions and learning from the outcomes.

The beauty of experience is that it comes from both success and failure. While one makes you feel great and the other makes you feel lousy, the end result is still experience and a new framework of perception you can apply to your future life. This is what experience is. This is what you draw on to create success and this is the essence of your personal congruency.
In many ways I'm very successful right now. In many other ways I'm far from it. I'm not a millionaire, in fact I have very few assets at all. For now lets avoid a discussion of the determinants of life success and I'll simply state that I have a hell of a lot more I want to achieve and I bet you do too.

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