Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Book Review of the Law of Attraction

This self titled book gives a very descriptive account of how to use the Law of Attraction into our lives. The book itself is well suited to read as a "how to" book and gives short, definite plans how we put this concept into our lives. The author, Michael J. Losier is a sincere person who cares about delivering his message of the Law of Attraction. He does seminars around the world. I have attended one of the seminars here in Edmonton, Alberta which I totally enjoyed.

The book starts off with an explanation of Law of Attraction, then goes into positive and negative vibrations. When we have positive thoughts, these thoughts are further translated into vibrations. The words that we use cause our feelings and our feelings...vibrations. Negative thoughts bring on negative feelings that bring on negative circumstances or negative people. Positive thoughts bring on positive feelings and positive circumstances.

When we focus on what we don't want, we end up getting it. For instance; don't slam the door, really your asking to slam the door. Instead say close the door slowly. Or don't play in traffic; you're really saying to play in traffic. Instead say play in a safe area. Stay away from using the words don't, not and no. The book also goes on to say that we can reset our vibration at any time. When we are upset, we can push an imaginary reset button to change your words and vibrations.

The next areas are deliberate action, contrast and relationships. He gives specific case studies of a girl wanting more from a relationship. The other case study is someone who needs more money in their life. Both people have gotten really exciting results. Michael Losier has examples of worksheets in his book to help us define what we want and what is contrast (stuff we don't want).

He gives us a simple 3 step formula to follow the let the Law of Attraction into our lives.

1.) Identify Your Desires (what you want)
2.) Give Your Desire Attention (focus on what you want and do whatever it takes to get it)
3.) Allow It (remove any doubt)

The book is extremely easy to read, not very long and can be easily read because the font is large. This is good for me because I enjoy reading large print. The book goes on and gives powerful tools to get what you what you want in life, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. Michael also has an audio library membership to help people learn from other people what works and what doesn't.

Michael is an excellent author and has a way of expressing complex ideas into simple, easy to understand concepts that are easy to understand. Buy this book; it can change your life.

Neil Armstrong lives in beautiful Edmonton, Alberta with his 2 teenagers. He is a 2nd. Class Power Engineer working in a Control Center in Edmonton. His interests are camera repair, electronics, computers and Marketing. Edmonton has lots of bike trails so he likes to spend his time riding with the local bike club. It's getting colder now so the bike will go away and the skis will come out.

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