Friday, May 15, 2009

Nine Things to Consider When Setting Goals to Succeed With Your Online Business

Only about 5% of the population actually set goals and realize them. That means that 95% are likely to fail to reach their goal. If you want to succeed with your online business you need to seriously consider setting goals. If you are like most people, you may have difficulty coming up with goals and a specific plan to reach them. In this article, I discuss 9 helpful suggestions for achieving success in your internet business by setting goals.

1. Make your targets real and tangible -- You may have a dream of achieving financial success in your online business. Make that dream real by determining what your specific target income is, and what you really want.

2. Write down a clearly defined goal -- Once you have determined what your target is, write down a clearly defined goal for that target. You may have more than one target. If so, write down a goal for each target.

3. Make your goals directly related to what you want to achieve -- When you set your goals, make them interactive with what you want to achieve in life. If you want to make a lot of money, but have no clearly defined purpose for making the money, then you will not be motivated as much as if it has a sense of mission to it.

4. Set your goals high -- Some people set their goal very low and always achieve their mark. It is better to aim for the stars and only hit the moon than to aim low and never get off the earth. Your goals have to ignite your spirit. You have to be inspired to take action every day.

5. Make your written goals specific -- When you write down your goals they should be specific and in detail. You should include details as to what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it. Start with small measurable goals and build up from there. For instance, if you have a goal to achieve $1000 per week income in one month, what do you want to achieve 3 months, 6 months, and a year from the present date? Write it down in specific amounts and detail.

6. Commitment -- You must be really committed to achieving the goal. If not, it is just another wish. There is no wish fairy. Don't let yourself slack off. Be determined to work at achieving your goals no matter what happens. You may have set backs, but with commitment you will pick yourself up and try again.

7. Share your goals -- It is important to enlist the help of others in achieving your goals. Enlist the help of those who have a vested interest in your success like team members, a coach or a mentor. If it is someone close to you, make sure they will be supportive of your goals and aspirations.

8. Use your creative imagination -- Use all of your senses to imagine how it will feel, look, sound, and even taste when you achieve your goals. Make it as real as you possibly can. The more real, the more likely you are to realize it. See yourself already having achieved the goal. Your subconscious mind does not know it is not true yet, and will make it so. Do this creative imaging every day. Make it part of your daily routine.

9. Take action daily -- Make sure that you take action every day on the goals you have set. Don't let the day end without having taken at least one action toward your goals. If you have set up a calendar of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals, include on that calendar some place to record your progress. As you begin to achieve success in reaching your goals, it will become an exciting and enjoyable experience that you will look forward to.

In conclusion, setting goals can help make your dreams come true. When you identify what it is you want to achieve and maintain a consistent and precise schedule for achieving it, you will begin to experience more success than you ever could have imagined.

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