Saturday, May 2, 2009

Unmotivated? Stop "Should-ing" All Over Yourself

You want to improve your life. You're sick and tired of being sick and tired. You are willing to make changes as long as these changes don't disturb what is already comfortable. And you don't want improvement to require a lot of work. You want a quick fix. And you may not realize that even though you don't like it you're quiet comfortable in your sick and tired of being sick and tired existence. So you unknowingly fight back to stay right where you are.

And in that place of right where you are, your head is filled with "I should do" or "I'm supposed to be" thoughts. This self-defeating attitude weighs heavily on your daily experience. I'm not, not, not and I should, should, should. All day long.

You should according to whom? Are you playing the vocal soundtrack of parents, teachers and other well-meaning advisors telling you what you should want, should do, and should have in your life? "You should do this." "You can't have that." "You can't be a whatever and make money." Do you even stop to consider if you even want have, be or do what they suggest? And what you are now telling yourself endlessly that you are not that you should?

Who is really should-ing on you?


Stop shoulding on yourself! Those shoulds and must do's are limiting and defeating. They range from unsupportive to ridicule and judgment. Sometimes well intentioned shoulds and musts dictated to you by others are abusive. They can penetrate deeply with hurt, pain and feelings of inadequacy. Self-defeating statements violate who you are. Your self-talk agreement with these statements only serve to separate you from what you really want and, thus, can suck the life energy right out of you. You spend your life swimming upstream fighting against what you really want to reach what you should or must want. And you're tired. And you're sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Stop playing the beat of the should drum that obviously isn't working for you. Be willing to move beyond this comfortable yet unfulfilling spot and play a new tune. You're an adult now. You no longer have to listen to parents and others as you deliberately create the life that you want to experience. Look for evidence of people who can and are doing what you've been told is impossible for you. If they can be, do or have it so can you.

Get out of your comfort zone. Become your own parent. That's your quick fix. Give yourself encouragement to support your real wants in life and give yourself plenty of positive feedback as you move towards reaching your goals, your desires, the life of your dreams.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein

Valery is the Founder of the International Association for Inner Wizards. The greatest gift Membership can give you is to reaffirm the integrity of your own being. Within you lies all the knowledge about who you are, including your challenges and desires. The ultimate mission of the International Association for Inner Wizards is to reconnect you with the incredible power that is already within you and to encourage you to recognize it, use it and rely upon this resource that is your birthright. We simply deliver back to you that which is already your own. I guarantee no wrong turns will be made on your life's journey when you are empowered and guided by your Inner Wizard. Get free mini-book "Discover Your Inner Wizard" today at

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