Sunday, May 4, 2008

Significant People Who Shape Your Life

Almost everyone has memories of a person who has had an impact on their life. Their words in that moment altered something deep inside of you and changed who you are. The person who influenced you could have been the parent of a friend, someone you saw on a regular basis at the grocery store, a neighbor or a beloved teacher. It could be something as simple as a conversation or how they conducted themselves in the world.

We all can have such an influence on others. Whether you believe it or not, your actions, attitude and how you conduct your life does get noticed and has an influence on others. Think of how you conduct yourself in your profession, at school or even while just out shopping. How we conduct our life teaches people and influences them. Thats a pretty heavy thought. If you wake up each morning knowing that today you will teach someone, that can absolutely have an impact on your attitude and how you feel about yourself and the world.

As we go through the day, we can try to be open to lessons to be learned from difficult people and situations. Every time someones remarks challenge us, its an opportunity to look inside and see what sensitive nerve was hit. Being human and preferring to be liked, its natural to want teachers who are considerate of our feelings. Consider this, however. When things are always lovely and sweet, what do you learn from it? Blunt or even unkind remarks could be what we need to spur a change. The important thing is to keep an open mind. Even things said that are obviously out of jealousy could contain a grain of truth. That grain of truth could be something to think upon in spite of someone elses perception. Study the words to see if there might be something to it. If not, then let it go.

So, what lessons do you think you have learned from someone else? I dont know about others, but I have learned life lessons from books and powerful television shows. The most powerful lessons Ive learned have been from people I know. I have a friend who could be considered severely handicapped. To me, she is the most positive person Ive ever met in my life. Her attitude in the face of horrendous adversity is something I have tried to emulate.

Review each situation to try to find the gem in the lesson that person unknowingly is teaching you. The best lessons are ones right there in front of you.

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and Internet marketer. Her website writings are her personal views on self improvement and development, Law of Attraction, Internet Marketing, work at home goals and life in general. Check the website for freebies to be added on a regular basis.

Ray Kroc

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