Monday, April 27, 2009

Back Pain and Chakras Part 1

Restorative Yoga focuses on bringing the body back into a balanced state. With back pain typically a physical ailment is associated with the dysfunction or loss of integration of the Chakras.

If you would like to know more about the Chakras please follow these articles. As with any physical fitness/health practice one should see consult their physician before beginning a new program of treatment helping you with your back pain.

Surya Namaskara or Salutation to the Sun comprises of twelve postures practiced along with rhythmic breathing and prayerful contemplation of the divine power. The Sun, deity of health and long life being the most effulgent and life-giving force for this planet, forms the visible representation of the invisible Almighty.

The practice of Sun Salutation Yoga Pose (Surya Namaskar / Suryanamaskara) is considered to be deepened when the accompanying mantras and chakra awareness meditation are performed in each position keeping you back pain free.

The Chakra Energy Centers are very well known and taught in the World of Metaphysics and New Age. Chakras are originally apart of ancient yoga practice. Then Chakra Yoga is an option for you. You gain experience and a energized practice in revitalizing the body's seven energy centers, dissolving emotional blockages, opening the mind and body connection combining asanas, breathing work, learning affirmations, and Yoga mantras. All are related in some way to back, neck and shoulder pain.

What are the Chakras? To help you understand, Chakras are a natural, spiritual energy system in your body. Chakras have been known and used by yoga masters for thousands of years. Some Psychics can see and feel them. Your chakras allow you to automatically, open up to unconditional love, empowerment, joy, increased income, better health and Stress management for daily living.

In Chakra Yoga, You are energizing the Mind and Body to heal and become more balanced in Energy. An Off Balanced Lifestyle can cause damage to your health, family and love relationships, work life, finances, college life, and other daily concerns.

Focus is on building core strength, flexibility and grace while maintaining the meditative quality of the practice. A wonderful compliment to a traditional Yoga practice and excellent for those working through back pain or other injuries.

Gurudeep Kaur's Sex Chakra Yoga Asana Series directly energizes your reproductive energy centers and has for 50,000 years of vedic alchemy. Don't you always feel better after a run? Don't you always feel more restlessly creative when you are randy, horney, or frisky?

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Shoulder and Neck Pain.

To help you further with your back, neck and shoulder pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at

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