Thursday, April 23, 2009

Personal Goal Setting - Achieving More and Succeeding Faster!

Are you ready to start using personal goal setting to achieve more of what you want to accomplish? Personal goal setting is much different than business goal setting and you need to know what you are doing or you might be stuck not achieving your goals. Here are some tips to lead you in the right direction.

The first thing you have to do is create a goals journal. This is probably the most important step in personal goal setting. You want to get yourself a decent sized notebook or journal that will last you at least a year. This means you need at least 250 pages.

Once you have your journal the first thing you are going to do with it is do a full brainstorm of what you want in your life. Sit down and just start writing. Do not filter anything that comes out and try to get at least 100 things on paper that you want to accomplish in your life. This can include places you want to travel to, things you want to do, advancement in career or relationships, and pretty much anything under the sun.

The second step is to categorize these goals into short term, middle term, and long term. Short term goals are anything you think you can do within the next year. Middle term goals are anything that you think you can accomplish within 2 to 5 years. Long term goals are anything that will take you more than 5 years to accomplish.

The last step is to start writing in your journal at least once a week. This is something that will help you see the progress you are making towards your goals. Start by working on the things you think you can get done within the next year. Break them into smaller pieces and write about your progress each week. This will really move you towards your goals if you stick with it.

Go Here Now to Discover how to set your goals and get to where you want to go with The Magic Hundred

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